Summer donna discography

Сямэнь ginyi машина со., ООО, является профессиональным иглы ткацкий станок производитель. Bilingual Donna Summer website featuring a portrait of the artist, a comprehensive listening guide, a detailed discography, exclusive pictures A fan-created Donna Summer website with news, tour dates, pictures, art gallery, articles, and a complete discography. Donna Summer – vocals, background vocals, chorus; Roy Bittan – piano; Michael Boddicker – programming, vocoder, vocoder programming, Polymoog. Werdegang Karrierebeginn und erste Erfolge in Deutschland. Donna Summer wuchs in einer Familie mit f nf Schwestern und einem Bruder auf. Ihr Vater Andrew arbeitete. Hot Stuff is a song by American singer Donna Summer from her seventh studio album Bad Girls (1979), produced by English producer Pete Bellotte and Italian producer. Bilingual Donna Summer website featuring a portrait of the artist, a comprehensive listening guide, detailed discography, exclusive pictures Donna Summer: She could sing anything, anywhere, with anyone The AfterMaster Team has the largest discography of hit records of any audio technology company in the world. Our Team has produced, engineered and mastered music. Michael Jackson discography; Michael Jackson at the White House in 1984. Releases ↙ Singles: 59 ↙ Other singles:. Find Boney M. bio, music, credits, awards, streaming links on AllMusic - Formed by German-based producer Frank Farian,….