Эдит береш википедия

Потом выяснилось, что трёхлетняя Эдит совершенно слепа. К тому же оказалось, что в первые же месяцы жизни у Эдит начал развиваться кератит, но бабушка. Эдит Береш - популярная довоенная актриса Эдит Береш до войны она была одной из самых популярных советских актрис - играла в театре, снималась в кино. Был. Please see Wikipedia:Edit requests for guidance, especially if this is the first time you are making an edit request. To report an error you have noticed on the current main page or tomorrow's main page, please add it to the appropriate section on Wikipedia:. Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon Checklist First steps: 1. Choose a catchy and specific event title and hashtag and write a description. 2. Create a Wikipedia event page with logistics and a list of desired articles Sign in. Loading…. Внешние изображения; Эдита в детстве: Эдита с братом Павлом в детстве: Родители Станислав Пьеха и Фелиция Королевска с братом Эдиты Павлом: Первый класс. Эдита Пьеха - советская и российская эстрадная певица, актриса. Народная артистка СССР. Своеобразный польско-французский акцент, . Wikipedia Сайт. Капли Береш Плюс : Средство, регулирующее метаболические процессы. Капли. Инстаграм и Википедия Эдиты Пьехи нет на просторах интернета. Но фото женщины — легенды можно увидеть на социальных страницах ее звездного внука Стаса Пьехи. «Википедия» была создана с целью сделать знания доступными каждому, однако большая часть материала публикуется на английском языке. На текущий момент. The zodiac is an area of the sky that extends approximately 8° north or south (as measured in celestial latitude) of the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere over the course Wikipedia:Meetup/The College of Wooster Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon April A Twitter bot has been tweeting when Wikipedia edits are made from the IP addresses of major banks. APS is hosting a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon which will aim to create Wikipedia pages about inspiring women and minority physicists. Википедия расположена на серверах Фонда. Wikipedia. 5,563,175 likes · 67,600 talking about this. A free, collaborative, multilingual Internet encyclopedia. Watch more How to Use Internet Search & Web Browsers videos: Eager to add your expertise. If you've ever Googled anything on the internet, chances are you've found your way to Wikipedia. The genius of the crowd-sourced online encyclopedia is that anyone can edit it. But not everyone. Organizers say the event is part of a global initiative to help improve Wikipedia's gender imbalance. This is the front page of the Simple English Wikipedia. Wikipedias are places where people work together to write encyclopedias in different languages. We use Simple English words and grammar here. . View edit history These are the questions which began some of the greatest edit wars on Wikipedia. Aluminium or Aluminum? Should a photo of a giant spider be placed in the entry for arachnophobia? Are Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader considered the same character. An IP address affiliated with America's most inept agency, 5WPR, was used to edit the Wikipedia entry about 5W's CEO, incompetent superflack and bad apologizer Ronn sic Torossian. This is the same IP address that the agency was using to leave fake blog comments, which it was busted. Aluminium or Aluminum? Should a photo of a giant spider be placed in the entry for arachnophobia? "Owner", "Caregiver", "Human Companion" - what are you to your cat? These issues began some of the longest, most drawn-out edit wars on Wikipedia. Jan 19, 2019 · As if anyone needed reminding, the Patriots are very good in the postseason. But in case that wasn't clear, someone edited the AFC championship Wikipedia page to emphasis just how frequently they tear through their conference playoffs. The AFC championship game, as its Wikipedia. Эдит Грац (Edith Gratz). Список связанных сайтов: официальные, неофициальные, фан-сайты и т.д. Эдит Грац в социальных сетях. PLAYING WITH FIRE Notre Dame fire - Trolls edit cathedral's Wikipedia page to say it is to 'on fire and dying inside' after inferno rocks Paris. "Lies, damned lies, and Wikipedia articles." Wikipedia ("the'free' encyclopedia") is a satirical website that parodies Uncyclopedia (though, they have said on their own article that Uncyclopedia parodies Wikipedia, that statement is completely false). It was founded in 2001, when it began. Art+Feminism is a do-it-with-others campaign to improve content on gender, feminism + the arts on Wikipedia. Meet the "bots" that help editors keep Wikipedia functioning. Help NMWA add and update Wikipedia articles about notable women artists at the sixth annual Women in the Arts Wikipedia Edit-a-thon.