Dreamtime return steve roach

Discography: Albums: Guest Appearances: Various Artists: Production Credits: Year: Title: Label. Upcoming Events. Pasadena, California — Saturday August 31st The Ambient Church Series presents Steve Roach live at the First United Methodist Church. more details coming. been listening to Dreamtime Return pretty much on repeat. looking to expand my steve roach collection, but his discography is colossal, and i would rather not choose randomly. i was told Structures from Silence is his best album, but i think Dreamtime Return is far better. Dreamtime (also dream time, dream-time) is a term devised by early anthropologists to refer to a religio-cultural worldview attributed to Australian Aboriginal beliefs.It was originally used by Francis Gillen, quickly adopted by his colleague Baldwin Spencer and thereafter popularised by A. P. Elkin, who, however, later revised his views. Hey, I've got a few new things to post and I've discounted a lot of stuff from my last few posts. Get at them before I post on Discogs! Also open to offers on anything. Thanks! -Nick ____________________________________________________ Terms: I have lots of experience selling records for the past ten years and have a 100% positive feedback score on Discogs. ( https://www.discogs.com/user/this_is_a_document) Shipping is free for orders over and a flat fee of for order below. Reviews. A A Produce Smile On The Void A Produce/Mike Griffin Altara A Produce/Loren Nerell Intangible AES Dana Aftermath AES Dana Far & Off Aairria Urbanisation Leila Abdul-Rauf Insomnia. Got a new batch of stuff for you all! Some boxsets, bundles, and rare stuff this time around. Get at me quick cuz I'll be listing these on Discogs in the next few days. Thanks and enjoy! -Nick ____________________________________________________ Terms: I have lots of experience selling records for the past ten years and have a 100% positive feedback score on Discogs. ( https://www.discogs.com/user/this_is_a_document) Shipping is free for orders Music With Space is broadcast live from 11pm until 3am on Friday nights into Saturday mornings. Please tune in! If you`ve listened to and enjoyed "Music with Space", I invite you to email program@wprb.com and let us know what you think. Hey all! Had an awesome spring break. Perhaps too awesome of a spring break and I've got to let go of some of the gems in my collection. Get at me quick as I'll be listing the new arrivals for sale on Discogs in the next few days! Thanks for stopping by! -Nick ____________________________________________________ Terms: I have lots of experience selling records for the past ten years and have a 100% positive feedback score on Discogs. ( https://www.discogs.com/user/this_is_a_document. Groove Unlimited is a mailorder and distribution company specializing in Electronic Music. We also organize the yearly E-Live and E-Day festival. Groove is also a Electronic Music label with artists like: Ron Boots, Michael Stearns, John Dyson, Gert Emmens Was able to make it back to my childhood home for winter break and brought back some super rare stuff that's been sitting there for the past decade or so. I'll be listing most of these records on Discogs in a week so don't sleep on these records! I've also updated my shipping terms so please make sure you review that. Also, I've reposted a cleaned up version of my last post here (https://www.reddit.com/r/VinylCollectors/comments/aj6iu9/repost_for_sale_funemployment_sale_pt_4/?) if you're. A few notes on my criteria (all of them politically incorrect): Not represented here (because they lived before the age of "albums"): Dizzy Gillespie, Lionel Hampton, Stan Getz, Fats Waller, Scott Joplin, Louis Armostrong, Jelly Roll Morton, Charlie Parker, Stephane Grappelli, Earl Hines, Woody Herman, Tommy Dorsey, Johnny Hodges, Count Basie, Chet Baker, Charlie Christian, Art Tatum, Lester. Steve Roach was one of the first ambient artists I really fell in love with and I’m looking to get into ambient more. Could anyone here recommend artists with a similar style to his (especially anything that’s similar to his sound on Dreamtime Return and Structures from Silence). Progressive Electronic definition. Born in the late 60's after the expansion of avant-gardist, modern, post-modern and minimalist experimentation, the progressive electronic movement immediately guides us into a musical adventure around technologies and new possibilities for composition. Disclaimer: im an addict to music, maybe its a habit, I gotta use it (shout out to eric b and rakim). Im truly interested in what you all listen to, feel free to write about a specific song, album or artist if compelled to do so! Here are some lesser known sounds to dig. Artist: Album(s) Ozric Tentacles: Jurassic Shift, Pungent Effulgent, Arborescence. Mazzy Star: So Tonight That I Might See. Coil: Love's Secret Domain. This Heat: Deceit. Wire: 154. Mission of Burma: Vs. The Durutti. Index R Beny (USA) Full Blossom of the Evening (2016) Cascade Symmetry (2017) Saudade (2018) Eistla (2018) R Beny is an alias of Austin Cairns from California who uses modular and other hardware synths to create ambient compositions. Mine are the following (not in order): Can - Tago Mago Radiohead - Kid A Brian Eno - Ambient 1, 4, Another Green World, Tiger Kraftwerk - T.E.E., The Man Machine, Computer World, Autobahn Aphex Twin - SAW 85-92, SAW 2, Drukqs Autechre - Amber, Tri Repetae Boards of Canada - Music has the right to children Klaus Schulze - Mirage, Cyborg, Timewind, Moondawn, X, Irrlicht Amon Duul II - Yeti Popol Vuh - Hosianna Mantra, Pharaohs, Aguirre Global Communication - 76:14 Steve Roach - Dreamt. Johannes Schmoelling - Time and Tide 17,85 EUR Michael Garrison - Live Volume. TRICKED BY THE LIGHT: game, life, matrix, illusion, dream, recycled, reincarnation, illuminati, NDE, tunnel